
As a member of MSBO, you’re part of a dynamic statewide organization of more than 4,100 members who are employed in various areas of school business management and provide services to the school industry. MSBO is the only statewide association in Michigan devoted to school business.

MSBO offers training and professional development programs, including 14 certification programs for school district employees. We represent members on a wide variety of state oversight and advisory committees, and host an annual conference with the largest trade show of educational products and services in Michigan. We are your clearinghouse for information about school business operations. MSBO facilitates seven position-specific committees and listservs which you can join to network with colleagues and stay connected on current issues and much more.

Renew your membership for 2024-2025!

MSBO membership runs on a fiscal year from July 1 to June 30.

  1. Sign In, choose the My Account link and then click the Renew Now button or complete the 2024-25 Membership Application.
  2. If your membership status has changed from the prior year, you will need to contact Lillie Rapelje at or (517) 327-9222 to renew as a different member type.
  3. To make changes to your contact information, once you are logged in click on the My Account link to correct any information.

Active Members are those employed by a Michigan school, college or university, or state agency; membership remains with the member.

Not a member yet? Click here to become an Active Member.

Associate Members are those employed in a business, not an educational institution. All Associate Memberships include a listing on the School Purchasing Pages. Membership remains with the company.

If you have changes to your company listing on the School Purchasing Pages, please complete the Company Data Sheet.  Click here for the directory of Product & Services Categories in alphabetical order.

Not a member yet? Click here to become an Associate Member.

If you are a new company to MSBO, please contact Lillie Rapelje at 517.327.9222 or to join.


Become A Member

Join more than 4,000 members employed in various areas of school business management who are interested in furthering their careers and improving their leadership and management skills.

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