Certification on Demand

Don’t miss out on MSBO’s online learning opportunities that give you access to great professional development.

If you are enrolled in an MSBO certification program, many of these webinars are required or elective classes. Check your certification transcript by logging in here. Please use your MSBO credentials. Once logged in, click on the link Certification Transcript on the navigation bar at the top of the page to access your transcript.

Please note: You do not need to be enrolled in a certification track or be a member to take advantage of these on-demand programs!

Once you register and pay for the sessions. The recording link and access credentials will be in the email confirmation.

You’ll have two weeks from purchase date to view and submit for SCECH/Certification credit.

View All On Demand Classes

MSBO’s certification series currently includes the following certification classes:

(Classes are listed alphabetically)


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